Namaste, Welcome! I am a yogi, adventurer, traveler, guide, and companion.
I envision a world where everyone is healthy, happy, and free from physical and mental discomfort - what we call "pain". I know and hold the space where each of us takes responsibility for our own healing, allowing the body to guide us back to alignment and radiant health. I believe that we can and should uplift, encourage, and support each other daily as we move through this journey called life.
My mission is to promote a healthier, happier, and connected life through the ancient wisdom & new ideas that are a part of the life-affirming philosophy and practice of yoga and spirituality. "Yoga" is much broader than just physical movement and flexibility, and "Spirituality" is more than religion or religious practices.
I encourage you to explore the many varieties that are available, and find one that resonates with you and brings you joy. Blessings, Greg